Patients who have lost a lot of weight, typically more than 5 stones, may have so much redindant skin that a standard hip-to-hip tummy tuck is not sufficient to give them a good shape. Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty removes extra tissue from the upper tummy and it leaves a vertical scar also.
Month: May 2019
tummy scar revision with fat transfer
a tethered scar following a previous operation smoothed and improved with fat transfer and scar ‘subcision’. this was a day case awake surgery. results after 3 months

text / video consultations now available
Text and video ‘e-consultations’ are now available with Mr Harley using the Top Doctors platform. This offers greater convenience for busy people. It is especially helpful for patients who are unsure about whether they may need treatment or who have a simple question to ask.